Is X the new swastika?
It’s actually XYZ
X is the American fascists
Z are the Russian fascists
Y is what you keep asking
What about Israel fascists?
$ man ascii | awk '/X$/ {print $7}' 88
US will make Europe great again lmao
Gather up your queens and kings. Time to make some more!
Not in America. Here, anyone can be a total asshole billionaire and purchased the entire country’s political system if they so want.
never occurred to me how close x is to the swastika :)
Ye a swastica is an X with extra steps
$ man ascii | awk '/X$/ {print $7}' 88
B = 66 I = 73 L = 76 L = 76 G = 71 A = 65 T = 84 E = 69 S = 83 I = 1 I = 1 I = 1 Total = 666
Though that one didn’t age as well, he’s a pretty nice guy these days.
he’s a pretty nice guy these days.
Probably to not get beheaded when someone finally starts working down the Epstein buddy list. Plus I hear the whole philanthropy thing was Melinda’s idea anyway.
Feels bad to realize your profession isn’t particularly useful outside of the U.S. I’d like to stay and fight regardless, but the reality is if I stop being able to get my meds there won’t be much I can do besides being fodder.
Out of curiosity, what is your profession?
Insert 300 meme here.
You probably don’t want that answer.
You slather Donald trump in orange make up?
goddammit my beverage is supposed to be in my stomach, not on my screen!
If you wanted to up my curiosity, you just did. I’m not prying, I totally understand if you don’t want to share to strangers on the internet, but so you know, I’m curious
Medical billing/insurance/something?
Please please, also run to Canada, were closer by
I’m worried that if there’s war you guys will be affected as well. Running further seems more reasonable.
Or just. Everyone stop running please. When does the running stop? You eventually have to make a stand somewhere it’s either you or future generations paying this price. If you benefited enough to get out, stay and help others do the same.
stay and do what? scientist cant get funding or jobs, when its being systemically attacked? scientists have always been cognizant and smart enough to go where they can have a chance of a normal life. you’re basically saying a jewish person should stay and fight nazis in ww2. the only ones that are staying are to naive to leave.
So when do you stop running
When you break a leg and they put you down.
Horses are often thought of as symbols of running wild/ free/ fast. They are also often euthanized when they break a leg.
Ah ok, thanks
If Einstein did this he would’ve died in the Holocaust.
Right. Well. Good thing you’re not Einstein or a Jewish person in Nazi Germany, or I would not have advised you to stay. Such a straw man, avoiding responsibility even in your arguments.
You don’t know anything about me. I never said I was going to run. But I’m sure as hell not going to blame someone for running away from this shit, especially if they’re in a vulnerable group.
You clearly don’t understand the stakes and what we’re dealing with if you think genocide and mass murder aren’t on the table for this administration. Read about the damn books they endorse and parade around, they’re very open about their violent fantasies. You can start with “Unhumans”, which was endorsed by Vance and whose author just toured Europe as an official guest of the Trump administration.
especially if they’re in a vulnerable group
The original comment was about people with desirable skillsets leaving for other countries. If you mean people in vulnerable groups with those skills able to leave, absolutely. Agreed. But that is a very slim amount of people who are looking to do this. Vulnerable groups have a much more difficult time emigrating in general, and they certainly make up a far lower percentage than those of cis white people running for the door.
don’t understand the stakes
More strawmen but OK, you also know nothing about me. But I really don’t want to argue with someone I likely agree with far more than I don’t. Thanks for the book rec, I’ll check it out.
I think I’d go to China if I could. I feel like the US is gonna fuck over it’s allies first.
So you’ll be conditioning yourself ahead of time?
As someone that supports Palestine I think my odds are significantly less likely of getting black bagged in China than in the US.
US just making people disappear without due-process right now but western brain still thinks “China is the real dystopia”
In the US making people disappear without due process is news, in China it’s a daily occurrence.
Yeah. But the difference in China is the people that get disappeared are billionaires that started criticisming the government too much. Id rather we disappear some billionaires here. Instead of brown people protesting a genocide.
You have a highly idealistic perspective on China. This isn’t to say that things are lerfect in Europe or North America - they most definitely aren’t. But it is to say that two things can be true at the same time, i.e., there are growing issues in the West and China has a highly oppressive regime.
There is a natural temptation to whitewash and exxagerate the good in other times and places, especially ones that are directly juxtaposed to the one you are inhabiting and are critical toward.
However, we must resist these temptations lest we doom ourselves to repeat the same mistake over and over.
It’s just if you say a single thing positive about China that you get 20 replies about tank man or reeducation camps. No one cares to have a conversation about the thing you said about China they just spew state department talking points.
It’s like if I said something about the US being pretty good with gay rights (for now at least) and then people started saying: Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, MOVE bombing, George Floyd, GITMO, etc.
But you are the only reasonable reply here. I don’t disagree with much of what you said. I just think the backlash to saying anything positive about China while the US is literally going full 1939 is just completely disconnected. More so than any China idealizing would ever be.
She stopped existing in 30 min.
She didn’t disappear mate. She’s made several public appearances since. Literally read the article. She just disappeared from social media. There is no evidence she was “taken”.
Was she censored heavily upon making accusations? Absolutely. But censored is not “being disappeared”. Do you think this is the same as taking people to a prison in another country with zero due process?
china loves westerners, its good pr and propaganda for them.
unironically, the best PR for China recently was Rednote when TikTok was gonna be banned. Literally just Americans and Chinese people on the same social media platform was pretty fun. Lots of light hearted shit from both countries people for a week.
Never heard of the Xinjiang concentration camps? In China it’s also mostly brown people who criticize the government who are disappeared, the billionaires are the exceptions that make the news.
The USA might be getting worse, but it’s still a far cry from China.
Read about the plight of the Uyghurs in China. If you support the Muslims in China, you will end up in a CCP sponsored mobile organ donor chop bus.
I hope this is true, with the attacks on science in the US, we’re really looking at falling backward here. I’m afraid we’ll lose good weather forecasting and GPS services very soon, to just name the low hanging fruit.
If only there was something the American people could do about this.
But they’re holding signs up‽
That’s how Americans exercise their 2nd amendment outside of their schools.
You really don’t want us pulling out the ammo box. There’s a good reason we are still trying the soap and jury boxes. Every single time we pull out the ammo box, as a people, the entire world is affected. We don’t really like that.
If you wear a pink shirt, it shows you’re extra super serious.
its true in some sense, if the pay goes out the window for scientist they will flee. theres already problems in the us getting people from undergrad to PHD(thats besides the current attack on it). such as wet lab work prior to graduation, plus who can even apply to grad school, if you dont have barely just to be under the requirements of grad schools. job prospects is low.
also grad school is more expensive since its not considered undergrad courses, and they charge more and you get no priority in classes. the biggest is wet lab work, where do you find it, catch 22
“intelligent people” are usually the first ones to be jailed or killed, and then they move on to blame POCs, and than other minorities.
They ‘other’ the educated very early with calling them ‘elite’ or ‘liberal’, then attack from there.
Which European countries are best for software engineers, where most people understand English, and they have an easy enough immigration system for long term work permits ?
Ireland, but it’s a small country. As only EU English speaking country, I’m sure they’ve had to digest a lot of immigrants since Brexit.
The Netherlands and Flanders in Belgium has a lot of people understanding English. I’d suggest countries such as nl, be, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, …
For a Roman country, I’d suggest Portugal. However the trick there is to work online for a company from your home country. While enjoying the low cost of living there.
Here in flanders I live with my wife who is from Indonesia. She’s been learning Dutch when she arrived since 2023 December. Whenever we talk to people, we speak in English. While the person then talks in Dutch to me whenever communication wouldn’t be entirely easy for them.
The level of English is fine here. Job opportunities are limited for English speakers though. You’d need to find an international company that has everything in English.
Or a physical labour job.
My wife has a law degree, but until she masters Dutch, she will need to continue her job as a cleaner. (High minimum wage in Belgium, the job she does is 2/3rd subsidised by government. Which makes hiring people easier).
I have an accountancy job and honestly, everything is in Dutch. All the documents. Companies communicating with eachother is all done in Dutch so when that language isnt mastered, then it’s impossible to be productive enough at a desk job.
Brussels might have companies that hire English speakers. However, Brussels is a place where you thrive when you speak Dutch, french and English.
Like at the airport last Sunday all the employees there spoke to me in Dutch, to my wife in English and to other people in french.
Personally I would suggest Ghent. Most English speaking city in Belgium.
As only EU English speaking country
Malta doesn’t count? English is official language.
My bad, need to visit the place sometime.
I want English to be an official language in Belgium, but that will take a generation before it’s agreeable.
Yes let’s add another language in the mix in Belgium. Its going so well with the other three already!
There are more English speakers in Belgium than German speakers. By a gigantic amount.
I’d even say there are more English speakers than french speakers in Belgium.
English clearly has become the language of the European union. It should be an official language in all of the EU.
I’ve heard Ireland is good. No idea of how true that is, but they do speak English, if reluctantly.
That said, the actual Irish language is rather melodic, and learning it is a fun project.
Netherlands is best for money I hear, especially for the tax cut you get the first 5 years.
I live in Estonia and it has a nice startup culture, chill atmosphere, and just a great place to live, but salary is peanuts compared to NL unless you work for Wise, Bolt, or one of the 134234234 online casino providers. CoL is of course much lower than western Europe, but still much higher than it should be at the salary level here. But software engineers easily make 2-3x median salary, with 5-7x median salary not out of the realm of possibility at high-end positions in high-end companies. So you won’t be strapped for cash if you’re good.
But will be one of the first countries in EU that goes Nazi, I fear.
Which one now?
Que Wierd Al- “Dare to be stupid”
I’m an ignorant American, what’s the significance of the bull/ox?
That woman on the bull is Europa (Ancient Greek Εὐρώπη, Eurṓpē), daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor, lived about 2000 BCE. The bull is the shapeshifted Zeus that is kidnapping Europa. They had sex and sired Minos, king of Crete. Minos is the one who feed the Minotaur by sending children into its labyrinth.
Yeah Greek mythology is weird.
The bull that fathered the Minotaur was not Zeus, it was a gift by Poseidon who expected king Minos to sacrifice the bull to Poseidon. The king kept the gift and sacrificed another bull, Poseidon got pissed and had the king’s wife screw the bull, giving birth to the Minotaur.
You know, I watched that show Netflix canceled, with Jeff Goldblum, and so I’m like, hey, that’s right! Sure, could’ve paid attention in school, but better Nate than lever.
Kaos was sooooooo good. Netflix is really doing shit.
Kaos is the show you’re thinking of.
The Longest Joke in the World is the Nate and lever reference (well worth the read).
For anyone who can’t wait for the ending:
It was his sled from when he was a kid. There, I just saved you two long, boobless hoursThanks, for some reason I was thinking Cronos, I dunno.
And yeah, I remember reading that joke what feels like 20 years ago at this point, someone put it in the ebaums forums, took like 20 separate posts because of char limits, and I couldn’t stop telling the joke to people after that, it’s just too perfect.
Why the fuck did netflix cancel season 2 of Kaos??
it’s in the terms of service agreement; you agree that they can use telemetry to determine what you like and whenever they detect that you like a show they will cancel it immediately.
Not cancelled by christian fundamentalist who complained that no one should recognise any other god but theirs?
lol a minute ago I wasn’t even aware of this show and now I’m annoyed it’s been cancelled. sounds like jist the thing for me
Probably because I share accounts with people and they’re doing it to spite me.
Well that is a healthy family for sure
O Gabriel, now dawns thy reckoning, and thy gore shall GLISTEN before the temples of Man!
Wait, I thought the minotaur was the son of the king of Minos’ wife? Did gods do double-damage on his bloodline?
I bet they did more than that.
The whole god/demigod/etc. ancestry is totally fucked up. Zeus copulated with every woman he could find, even his sisters!
Anything with a pulse really. And probably some things without.
You are correct, the bull that sired the Minotaur was not Zeus, and Europe was not the mother. That’s a different bull-queen pair.
EU - “Nation States”
Thanks! I just googled it and it mentioned “Europa and the bull” representing unity and peace.
We could definitely use some of that, but unfortunately we just get a bunch of what the bull leaves behind instead… :/
1945-1959: Same as 1930s but the scientist guy is also a Nazi (and Hitler has a bullet hole lmao)
Hopefully my dubstep / riddim geniuses come over 🥹
But I guess Canada will be the hotspot of that genere, still
Makes me wanna cry
Heim ins
ReichBundesrepublikdeleted by creator
One ended up with the displacement of scientists and academics, the other, with soydevs and dei loonies with BS degrees in social sciences.
How are you this disconnected?
It’s a gift
You certainly aren’t wrong there.
That is indeed what scientist look like to science deniers
Chud: “Dei killed science, i want real science done”
Scientist: " Can i have money to study cancer "
Chud: “Lol fuck off , trans mice , gay frogs , cmemicals in water”
the funding is exactly like that, needs funding, but said “funders, dont want to admit that it is a human caused issue,”
Smoking , oil industry and clinate change , sugar industry and fat … its a bit of capitalism problem imo
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