Notable things:
By default, only server admins may add a room to a homeserver’s public rooms list.
Element X iOS
This week we’ve been monitoring the TestFlight of version 25.03.2 which is our first build of the app with Rust’s event cache enabled. There have been numerous fixes in the SDK following all of the feedback we received and we’re planning to make a second TestFlight next week with all of these fixes incorporated.
The Event Cache (matrix_sdk::event_cache) is a new API that stores all your events. It now supports lazy-loading, and thus provides an improved offline support, but also a much faster user experience. Before adding more features, we are tackling the last bugs. And, oh, how nasty they are. We can group the patches in a couple of categories.
Old devices? Low-end devices? You’re in our hearts and you’re not forgotten! A couple of patches improve the performance and reduce the memory usage greatly!
The memory usage of a Client has been reduced by a factor of 65’536 times
SqliteEventCacheStore is 35 times faster, yup, you read it well