Brexit was caused by British exceptionalism. The people who wanted to leave wanted to leave because they thought UK is so great that it could bend the EU. People who didn’t want to leave did so because they believed UK already had a good deal with the EU (and they did) because the UK is so great. Polling data backs that up because if you start asking about making “concessions” to rejoin the EU that “Yes” to rejoin turns into “I’d rather not”.
REFV2. If tomorrow there were another referendum on EU membership, how do you think you would vote?
- Stay out of the EU - 39%
- Rejoin the EU - 61%
EURO. Would the requirement to adopt the Euro as currency change your decision to rejoin the EU if you would vote to rejoin?
- I would still want the UK to rejoin the EU if adopting the Euro was a requirement - 35%
- I would not want the UK to rejoin the EU if adopting the Euro was a requirement - 9%
- I would only want to rejoin the EU if we were able to keep Sterling as our currency - 14%
- Would vote to stay out - 39%
Soon you’ll be wearing my sword like a shish kebab.