• 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Brexit was caused by British exceptionalism. The people who wanted to leave wanted to leave because they thought UK is so great that it could bend the EU. People who didn’t want to leave did so because they believed UK already had a good deal with the EU (and they did) because the UK is so great. Polling data backs that up because if you start asking about making “concessions” to rejoin the EU that “Yes” to rejoin turns into “I’d rather not”.

    Polling data from a year ago

    REFV2. If tomorrow there were another referendum on EU membership, how do you think you would vote?

    • Stay out of the EU - 39%
    • Rejoin the EU - 61%

    EURO. Would the requirement to adopt the Euro as currency change your decision to rejoin the EU if you would vote to rejoin?

    • I would still want the UK to rejoin the EU if adopting the Euro was a requirement - 35%
    • I would not want the UK to rejoin the EU if adopting the Euro was a requirement - 9%
    • I would only want to rejoin the EU if we were able to keep Sterling as our currency - 14%
    • Would vote to stay out - 39%

  • As others have already pointed out, you can literally get the same result by using images as quotes. People could’ve been shitty even without the quotation feature because it’s not the feature on the platform that makes it shitty, it’s the people on the platform who decide to use it for a shitty purpose.

    Not implementing a feature because morons may abuse it is not justification for not implementing a feature. It’s like saying we shouldn’t be able to reply to comments because someone might use that feature to directly send you hateful comments. Now, if the features primary purpose is (or primary use case ends up being) to use it negatively, then sure it shouldn’t be implemented. But I don’t see how quotation falls under this exception. In my eyes quotation is a net positive.

    It doesn’t turn the platform shitty and if there are good moderators it also prevents assholes from trying to turn the platform shitty.

  • Hypothetically you could have a separate “previous names” table where you keep the previous names and on the main table you only keep the current name. There are a lot of ways to design a db to not unnecessarily duplicate SSNs, but without knowing the implementation it’s hard to say how wrong Musk is. But it’s obvious he doesn’t know what he’s talking about because we know that due to human error SSN-s are not unique and you can’t enforce uniqueness on SSN-s without completely fucking up the system. Complaining about it the way he did indicates that he doesn’t really understand why things are the way they are.

  • The goal is very simple, it’s to get you to use Epic. The reason people buy their games on Steam is because people effectively have Steam start on boot. It’s the default because “all” your games are there. You use gog or EA app or Ubisoft connect only if there’s something that’s not on Steam and you boot them up specifically to that one game.

    So if you’re Epic and you want to compete with Steam how do you do that? You grow the user’s library to make sure they start up Epic instead of Steam and you get them in the habit of logging in. Both are accomplished by giving our free games.

    It’s probably not effective on the old timers who have 100+ games on Steam, but people like me are not the target audience. It’s aimed at younger people who don’t have a huge steam library and can’t really afford to buy a lot of games.

    Tldr: Epic is giving away free games to become the default store for the next generation of gamers.

  • I get people not wanting to see Checo in an F1 car, but I think it’s a good move. Cadillac isn’t going to be aiming at the WCC from the get go. They want to hit the ground running and they need a decent driver with a lot of experience to steer the team before they set their sights on trophies. Ideally that driver should also know what it takes to be a top team because I doubt Cadillac is looking to be just a midfield team.

    If not Checo then who? I’m sure they tried to get Bottas but he wasn’t interested. There’s also Zhou but he’s a worse option than Checo. Any other driver would most likely have to bought out and even then, how many drivers would even be interested in spending their F1 years building up a team only to get the boot once the team sets higher goals?

    Checo is not a bad pick, he’ll do a few years in the Cadi and when the rookie next to him has matured they’ll replace Checo with a new rookie.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.world"Today"= 18 Months Ago
    6 days ago

    Atheism and agnosticism are two different things. Atheism is the rejection of a higher power, you believe there cannot be a higher power. Agnosticism is the acceptance of the unknown, you believe you don’t know if there is or isn’t be a higher power.

    In a hypothetical scenario where higher power does exist and that higher power does something that becomes evidence of the existence of a higher power. An atheist would reject such evidence because a higher power cannot exist and the evidence would be contradictory. An agnostic would not reject such evidence because an agnostic is not rejecting a higher power and as such the evidence would also not be contradictory.

    And in a reverse hypothetical, let’s say we discovered all the secrets of the universe and found evidence of higher powers not being able to exist. A theist would reject such evidence because a higher power must exist and the evidence would be contradictory. An agnostic would not reject the evidence because the evidence would not be contradictory.

    And I personally lean on the apathetic side of agnosticism. If there is a god (or gods) then there is a god (or gods), and if there isn’t then there isn’t. There’s no reason to mull over something that has had no bearing on my life and if tomorrow we get irrefutable evidence for either side that’s when I’ll deal with that new reality. In the mean time there are better things to do.

  • I think you absolutely should care about the political opinions of the CEO considering it’s a private company and the CEO most likely gets to dictate the political leaning of the company. It’s not like Twitter turned to shit simply because Musk bought it. It turned to shit because (among other things) Musk made business decisions based on his political opinions.

    You could argue you don’t need to care because their political opinions aren’t influencing their business right now, but don’t you think it might be a bit too late to care when the business starts to reflect the politics of the CEO? For example if tomorrow Trumps wants to know the contents of your email and the CEO decides to appease Trump you might start to care about the political h

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldTHAT'S DIFFERENT!
    8 days ago

    Clearly you can’t be bothered to address what I wrote so I feel like it’s fair for me to not bother with you. The way I see it there’s a very simple solution here. You can continue your little crusade of proper terminology and I’ll tag you as “self-important hypocrite”. After-all what’s the point of continuing this discussion when you deliberately ignore what I wrote so you could bark back an argument I explicitly covered because I fucking knew you’d say it. You’re not here to discuss, you’re here because you can’t be wrong and I’d rather stare at the ceiling than put up with that mindless shit.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldTHAT'S DIFFERENT!
    8 days ago

    That’s a very poor and far-fetched analogy.

    You’re right. I should’ve said “the guy who argues swastika isn’t just a nazi symbol”, because that’s essentially what you’re saying: PCs aren’t just windows machines.

    A computer that runs an OS designed to be used with kb+mouse. See? It wasn’t that hard.

    You do know that Android and most modern gaming consoles support kb+m? And I case you want to hang onto to the word “designed”, as in they’re designed to work without a physical kb+m, then I guess the moment I install SteamOS my PC it stops being a PC?

    You’re doing the same thing you’re complaining about, using a generally accepted definition of a word instead of the actual definition.

    Thanks, but no. If you want to misuse the term, go ahead. I’m just as free to point out the incorrect use of the term if I want to.

    So it’s okay to misuse words when you also misuse them, but not okay when you don’t misuse them? What are you, a self-important hypocrite?

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldTHAT'S DIFFERENT!
    8 days ago

    Kinda? Whether you like it not that’s just how society functions. You either acknowledge what society decides or you end up becoming the guy who argues that drawing swastikas doesn’t make you a nazi because it’s a symbol of luck.

    And if you want to go down the rabbit hole of “PC is personal computer” good luck defining what a computer is without defaulting to what society thinks a computer is, because technically your phone is a computer that is for your personal use. Your phone is a PC. In a sense so is your TV and your gaming console and the steam deck and possibly even your fridge. Maybe even your car.

    Save yourself the headache and use PC as you understand it while accepting that others have a different meaning for PC.

  • I understand the same way and I think there’s a lot of gray area which makes it hard to just say “the data also needs to be open source for the code to be open source”. What would that mean for postgreSQL? Does it magically turn closed source if I don’t share what’s in my db? What would it mean to every open source software that stores and uses that stored data?

    I’m not saying the AI models shouldn’t be open source, I’m saying reigning in the models needs to be done very carefully because it’s very easy to overreach and open up a whole other can of worms.

  • Saboteur is one of those games I’m afraid to replay because I have such vivid memories of it being really fun and I don’t want to lose that.

    I already somewhat ruined Morrowind with modern hardware doing distant rendering. Back in the day Morrowind had perpetual fog and you couldn’t see far, so all the places felt so far apart. It felt like a journey going from Vivec city to Ebonhart. But modern hardware has no problem with distant rendering and now I can see that I could spit from Vivec City to Ebonhart. It’s no longer a journey, it’s just an annoyance because “it’s right there”. The magic of traversal is lessened because things no longer feel like they’re far away.

    And that’s what I’m afraid of, that some illusion of Saboteur gets shattered and with it the game will also feel lesser than it was.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldChess
    13 days ago

    Never liked that rule. The king should be a capturable piece and be allowed to step into checks. It might make the game harder at a beginner level but it gets rid of the anticlimactic stalemates. It won’t get rid of draws because the repetition rule still applies.