He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java
List (video game) music here that is fitting to this image.
Because they have to spin it in a way that they won’t seem discriminatory, but are anti-discriminatory.
Hungary used to have a law called “Numerus Calusus”, which limited the number of Jews working in certain, “stereotypically Jewish” positions, in the name of equality, since “Jews were taking away important positions from Magyars”.
I’m still cis tho, but gender isn’t real. It’s all performance.
What if I go back to the past with multiple people, to colonize it, then eventually fill it with people again, then correct the future’s mistakes?
What about catholics running out of cats?
I want it so that when I pirate something, it literally gets stolen from those big corporations.
The intellectual property rights, trademark rights, and the copyright gets transferred to me.
The company logos will be replaced by one that I’ve made as a 11 year old, when I was first interested in game development and I wanted to form a game development studio with my friends (no one knew how to draw unfortunately, nor to make music - at least I’m now mediocre at both).
And the credits will only contain my name.
oh, so it’s a “medicine drug”…
2/10, doesn’t get PTSD-like symptoms after regular use
— animallovingsicko42069
Because it’s not really about that. Trans people are just in the way of the extreme misogynists’ dreams of wives they can beat into a bloody pulp, and will hub them back, and cannot divorce them, have no legal rights, etc.
issue is it will collapse into neofeudalism, where the Czar Executive Officier of your network city will demand you work 16 hours every day, or he will send you to the wellness farms working 18 hours a day.
Pure propaganda.
Just before I left the right, some people admitted it was a “noble lie”, to uphold male supremacy, as if one is able to change their gender why should they even stay in highly abusive relationships.
Of course true believers will eat up the “protect the children” line, but the opportunists just want be able to beat their wives into a bloody bulb, who will still love them after all of that, they just want a stronger “cisheteronormativity”.
Even back then those co-operations were very controversial (some pedophile advocacy group got doxxed then all of its members’ lives destroyed by LGBT people, back in the eighties), or were stuff like “if the straights get to have AoC at 16 so we do”.
It never was about the costs.
First you need to be born autistic, then you can “unmask”, which is done by acting more autistic on pupose until certain behavioral patterns stick. Some people have luck with suppressing more harmful stims while replacing them with those that are not, but it’s not universal.
There’s a lot, and the cishet white male ones are (often) making the tech space a worse place. The rest are usually fine
Put all the storage into your own PC for a month, then call it No NAS November.
I have a feeling it won’t work to the same degree since all the otber platforms are also owned by Trump stooges.
Yeah it’s just the common people pretend medication side effects don’t exist, until they do, when they suddenly act surprised and angry that no one told them that drugs had side effects, except they did, but people just throw the paper that should have done that straight into the trash.
I nearly suffocated thanks to the wrong cough medication, because my mother forced me to take it as she was OK with the same one on a dry cough. But she talks long hours about how psychiatric medications are evil (they’re not, doctors just sometimes neglectiveand shrug off side effects they shouldn’t, and big pharma spends more on ads than on researching better meds).