Former Reddfugee, found a new home on Server errors made me switch to Now finally @ home on
Likes music, tech, programming, board games and video games. Oh… and coffee, lots of coffee!
I � Unicode!
Cyberpunk war als dystopische Warnung gedacht, nicht als Blaupause…
So that’s why everything tastes like dick all the time…
Player 1: “Well, about that trail rations you…”
Player 2: “I start by casting Fireball!”
GM: “What? Why? What or who do you target?”
Player 2: “Dunno, but I wanted to play a meme character so badly. Can’t I just cast it… in the general direction of the swamp?”
GM look with a stone cold face, grabs their dice: Go on, if you’re sure…
Well, they did it anyways, so…
Also this might work as an answer to “yeah, it’s a bug, but we won’t pay you”
I couldn’t help but find it amusing—they were now asking me to keep the report confidential, despite having initially dismissed it as out of scope.
“Sorry, but per your own guidelines this is out of scope. Because of this, this bug is not part of the agreement and guidelines on Hackerone. You can find my full disclosure, that I wrote after your dismissal here: <Link>” /s
He’s got concepts of good health vitals
Buckets of lava are superior anyways, if you’ve found dripstone yet
Also have fun using that crafting table
Die wollen die Leute nur davor beschützen zu spät zu kommen, weil ein Zug ausfällt oder Verspätung hat.
Dann lieber gepflegt im Stau oder der Vollsperrung der Autobahn stehen.
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher auch bei einem der CCC Events einen Vortrag dazu gesehen zu haben - nur für ein System auf Infrarotbasis. Und bei einem der letzten Congresse gab’s afaik auch ein AmpelCTF. Hat halt nur niemand in der Politik wirklich drauf reagiert…
The issue is, that you can’t easily reach the fridge so you can’t get a new can of beer without getting up
Its all fun and games until the pearlfish decides it’s time to go home ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ich finde den Rant von Cory Doctorow dazu ganz gut (Achtung, angelsächsisch)
In 1994, Bill Clinton signed CALEA into law. The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act requires every US telecommunications network to be designed around facilitating access to law-enforcement wiretaps.
Telcos weren’t the only opponents of CALEA, of course. Security experts – those who weren’t hoping to cash in on government pork, anyways – warned that there was no way to make a back door that was only useful to the “good guys” but would keep the “bad guys” out.
These experts were – then as now – dismissed as neurotic worriers who simultaneously failed to understand the need to facilitate mass surveillance in order to keep the nation safe, and who lacked appropriate faith in American ingenuity. If we can put a man on the moon, surely we can build a security system that selectively fails when a cop needs it to, but stands up to every crook, bully, corporate snoop and foreign government. In other words: “We have faith in you! NERD HARDER!”
OoooooOOooooooOoooOoO I can see dead other people. They’re talking to me.
See, he called it back then! He knew he would be campaigning against Harris! It’s a prophecy!
A PERSON moderates a debate of a MAN and a WOMAN on TV - obviously they’re in front of a CAMERA for it.
What else would it mean?