I’m sure some of you have absolute monstrosities of sigils (I know I do, in my .zshrc alone). Post them without context, and try and guess what other users’s lines are. If you want to provide context or guess, use the markdown editor to spoiler-tag your guesses and explanations!

  • GammaOPM
    61 year ago

    Here’s one with a bit more context (and actually in Bash, rather than Zsh:

    typeset -A any
    while ((${#anys})); do
    Literal explanation
    • Iterate through the characters in $anys
    • For each character $c, define any[$c] to be the string /$c/!d (e.g.: any[x]='/x/!d')
    • Concatenate the values in ${any[@]}
    Full context

    This is building a sed command to delete all lines which don’t contain every character of the string $anys. The associative array and concatenation is to ensure I don’t repeat myself when building the command. This is used in a program called dewordle, which prints all remaining words in a dictionary given the current known information in a game of wordle.