• @BetterDev
    627 days ago

    Hey I’ve been there, and after reflecting on it, the truth is, (at least from my perspective), you don’t really, truely want it yet. Don’t take that as judgement, I’m certainly not in a place to judge, but I’ve kicked severeral multi-year addictions, and weed was one I had the pleasure of just “deciding to quit”. For me quitting weed came with breaking a friendship of the longtime smoking buddy I had, though after getting off of it and reflecting, I realize he was just using me as a convenient spot to store his weed. YMMV, but I think you got this, and hopefully my experience lends some light onto your difficulties with quitting.

    • Gnome Kat
      -1227 days ago

      i wasn’t asking for advice and its not welcome

      • @[email protected]
        827 days ago

        WTF is wrong with you. A stranger pours out their heart for you and you just stomp on it? Have the decency to just shut up and ignore it instead of going out of your way to be an asshole.

        • Gnome Kat
          27 days ago

          You are the one who presumed to know what I do or don’t actually want. Thank you for your attempt at kindness but it really didn’t come off like that to me. I think its best to end this interaction here as its not going to be productive for either of us. Sorry.

          Edit: oh i thought you were the person who I was responding too but you are not… in that case please leave me alone, thankyou…

          • @[email protected]
            527 days ago

            I’m not the same person, I just saw someone responding to kindness with discouragement, and humanity really doesn’t need that right now.

      • @BetterDev
        427 days ago

        All good, I’ve been there too :)