Context, I use Linux, usually. I have been a user of Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora for a few years.

Recently, I acquired a decent graphics card (GeForce RTX 4070) and, for others reasons, decided to uninstall my Windows and install Linux.

I saw that Pop!_OS already has an image with everything pre-configured from Nvidia. Is this pre-configuration worth it, are the games more stable on this distribution, or is it the same as installing Nvidia’s proprietary drivers on Manjaro?

I asked this same question on other communities, but only now I found a specific community for gaming on Linux. Thanks.

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    Pop has been Rock solid for me and steam gaming. Trivial to set up and the store is wonderful too. Nice that it works great for non gaming tasks as well.

    • Scrubbles
      24 months ago

      all the frustrations of linux are out the window for me with Pop. Sure I can go to the terminal and fuck with window managers and edit conf files for hours - but at this point in my life I really just want it to work - and man has Pop just done that. Ubuntu even was still a ton of futzing around (like flatpak, why are they so anti flatpak?!). Pop everything just works!