• @[email protected]
    434 months ago

    She says:

    I can’t stand it anymore because our real nationality is strong

    Not sure what to make of this. We only have a video of an upset girl. Is she being treated unfairly? Who the fuck knows. All I know is that it plays perfectly into the Kremlin’s propaganda: We are the good guys and the world hates us for no good reason.

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      I don’t think Kremlin propaganda involves runaways seeking life elsewhere. Particularly their young women. That’s a really bad look for Russia.

      • @[email protected]
        74 months ago

        Kremlin propaganda constantly involves polishing a turd until it shines. They’re going to have that ‘bad look’ one way or another, how do they twist it to make it work for them.

        Turds are all they ever have, and they shine them well.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Actually, it does. It says that the Russian people have nowhere to go. Their only option is to band together (behind Putin).

        Edit: Oh, btw. I’m not saying that this video is definitely part of a propaganda campaign. She could also be a victim of propaganda.

    • @[email protected]
      -44 months ago

      The claim is that she is a civilian, not a soldier. The video in no way suggests that soldiers

      are the good guys and the world hates us for no good reason.

      Disliking the actions of a government is very different from disliking an entire people based on nationality.

      • @[email protected]
        94 months ago

        Your line of reasoning is very hard to follow. You are alternating between soldiers/civilians and people/individuals. You are arguing against a point I never made. You are not engaging with my concerns. So let me state this again. The video is highly emotional, completely one-sided. Contains no concrete information. And fits perfectly into the Kremlin’s propaganda. I wonder if all these Mexicans still hate her after she tells them that she disagrees with Putin and his war.

        • @[email protected]
          -54 months ago

          Do you think Westerners should hate the Russian people (civilians) because Putin is waging war?

          If you say no, then you are in agreement with the person in the video, and by your own logic, have fallen for “Kremlin Propaganda”.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        Russias “nationality” has boiled quite down to hail putin so there’s that.

        There is no “good old russia” any more.