• @[email protected]
    1026 days ago

    Look at any news source. Literally any of them. Israel has repeatedly attached Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure.

    • @[email protected]
      -1326 days ago

      No. This is false. This is “statement from the Palestinian authorities” put in articles by aljazeera and they are seen as “credible source” by the people wanting to have the hottest news for clicks. Its by definition fake news. But a little more complex than the fake news the average muricalander is used to.

      You Just repeat terrorist propaganda.

      • @[email protected]
        1326 days ago

        Lmao. So Israel didn’t have a general give a CNN news crew a tour of a hospital basement after fighting through that hospital?

        This shit is freely available on the web. It’s not obscure, it’s not behind paywalls, and it’s 100% a war crime.

        • @[email protected]
          -626 days ago

          Ok please show me where Geneva conventions say you aren’t allowed to show war reporters places you fraught at? Cause to my knowledge they just proved that the hospital wasn’t destroyed and that there where tunnels below as claimed, justifying the raid.