Title before edit: I hate programming, why did i choose this field

TL;DR: Stupid mistake, made by hours waste.

Basically, I was extracting date from the SQL db, and it was not displaying. I tried everything, heck I even went to chatgpt, and copilot. Two and half hours of trying every single thing under the sun, you know what was the issue?

SELECT task, status, id FROM mainWorkSpace WHERE user_id = @user_id

I FUCKING FORGOT TO ADD ‘date’ TO THE DAMN QUERY. TWO AND HALF HOURS. I was like, “Ain’t no way.” as I scrolled up to the query and there it was, a slap in the face, and you know what was the fix?

SELECT task, status, date, id FROM mainWorkSpace WHERE user_id = @user_id

Moral of the story, don’t become a programmer, become a professional cat herder instead.

    • @spartanatreyu
      918 days ago

      Better to ask a rubber duck than an LLM.

      It has better results, is cheaper, and makes has a positive compounding effect on your own abilities.

    • @tastysnacks
      417 days ago

      Honestly I worry about the use of ChatGPT on programmers. Training your eyes and brain to see things takes time. I know the suits just want production but I’d rather have better programmers.

      Of course, I could just be old.

    • @[email protected]OP
      218 days ago

      I posted the entire function where the issue was occuring and it was trying to solve the function and not the query.