• @[email protected]
    2119 days ago

    They blew up an enemy military ship that had already destroyed a peaceful planet and was in the process of killing them.

    Nice try

    • @[email protected]
      019 days ago

      Which presents the dilemma perfectly. Decision to destroy the planet was made by a higher-up, thus do all Death Star “employees” deserve to die?

      • @[email protected]
        719 days ago

        We aren’t speaking about employee in an hydroelectric dam. Even if both took part in an the economy of an oppressive system, one give electricity, the other mass murder. If they do not agree with, they think that taking part in this crime give them more chance than deserting.

        Whenever You Gamble, My Friend, Eventually You’ll Lose.

      • Bo7a
        519 days ago

        They are military, not employees. Fair game.

        • @[email protected]
          19 days ago

          Depends though doesn’t it. Was it conscription or voluntary. Some of those military were forced to join the empire or have their planets blown up. Obviously many were zealots but im sure if it wasnt for vader, many of the soldiers wouldnt have joined.

          When it comes to people being forced into the military is it still fair game?

          • Bo7a
            19 days ago

            I can only speak for myself but yes even being conscripted would put you in the fair game category.

            If I am given the choice between slaughtering others or risking being shot in the back as I run away, I’m going to take the risk of getting shot.

            Someone will now come in and call me a liar and I really don’t mind. I do put the value of others lives above mine on a regular basis. Volunteer firefighters do it every day.

            [Edited to remove unnecessary crudeness. Old habits die hard.]

          • @[email protected]
            218 days ago

            No, the Empire only recently gained the ability to blow up planets. No one joined under threat of their planet being blown up.

            And yes, conscripts are fair game. Unless they A) rebel against their commanders and/or B) immediately surrender. As long as they keep running the death machine, they are culpable.

              • @[email protected]
                118 days ago

                That’s not an absolute system. It’s a system where a person’s culpability is determined by their actions.

                • @[email protected]
                  117 days ago

                  Ok, i was trying to make a joke to diffuse what was clearly an attempt to argue with me in a serious way about something that i was only arguing in a light-hearted way.

                  I dont agree with you that someone being forced to join a military makes them exempt from any moral consideration when trying to determine whether to blow up a space station they are on.

                  What choice would you have made if you had a gun to your head?

                  • @[email protected]
                    117 days ago

                    I’m not saying it’s a fair system, I am just saying they are a valid military target.

                    But I’d like to think that I wouldn’t kill innocent people even if someone pointed a gun at my head. Of course no one knows how far they’ll go to survive until they’re put in dire circumstance.

      • @[email protected]
        218 days ago

        They are serving in the Empire’s Army, so yes. Despite the fact that they were conscripted. If they didn’t want to be killed, they should have organized a massive uprising against their leaders and surrendered the Death Star to the rebel scum.