I’m normally a straight vim user (just out of habit, no particular preference) and I’m giving neovim a spin. So far I like it but…

For the love of all that’s holy, how do I disable automatic indentation?

I have noautoindent set, nosmartindent set, filetype indent off, but neovim keeps inserting indentations. The only thing that works is setting paste on, but that’s not the right solution to this problem.

Please help. This is driving me nuts!

  • @ericjmorey
    213 days ago

    What you describe seems to be what the user manual describes. OP did state “I have noautoindent set, nosmartindent set, filetype indent off” I have a hunch that they, comming from vim, used a .vim config file and didn’t realize it wasn’t loading because a .lua config file was already present in the folder. But this is just speculation.

    • Oscar
      313 days ago

      Ah dang, you’re right, I must have read it too quickly. Yeah then I also think it’s something about not loading the config, it can be investigated by checking the runtime values like I described in my second edit.

    • @[email protected]OP
      213 days ago

      The only problem with that theory is that issuing the commands to disable any and all forms of autoindent manually within Neovim itself doesn’t do anything either 🙂

      • @ericjmorey
        213 days ago

        This sounds like is might be a legitimate bug in neovim.