• @[email protected]
    6516 days ago

    This is why POTUS elections are less important than congressional elections. They make the laws and they hold the checkbook. But fewer and fewer seem to understand that. And assume that the POTUS can just dictate those types of policy at their whim.

    You want domestic change? You want free healthcare? Cheap education? Better infrastructure? A better judicial system?

    Then vote for the people running for the institutions that can actually can make those things happen, and that ain’t supposed to be the POTUS. But evidently many, (majority?), of people can be all that arsed to bother much about the ‘Downstream’ elections.

    • @[email protected]
      1416 days ago


      The executive branch is only one part of a bigger system. Local, county, and state elections probably have a bigger impact on your lives than the presidential ones.

      I live in a deep red state so my vote for President will hardly ever matter but I’ll be damned if I don’t vote against the archaic amendments that get proposed.

      • @[email protected]
        415 days ago

        Remember - Every judge nominated by a president has to be approved by the Senate. Again, it’s Congress that holds the final say in things domestic. They can block anyone they disapprove of.

      • @[email protected]
        215 days ago

        One single sitting conservative supreme court justice was appointed by a Republican president who won the popular vote.

        There are six of them.