• @[email protected]
    113 months ago

    Thankfully TOS never did any fantasy stuff like galactic barriers, Trelane, massive green hands in space, or Abraham Lincoln. That wouldn’t have been true to Gene’s vision.

    I’m not a fan of Disco either, but tardigrades and time bugs are really low on my list of complaints. Star Trek did lots of even whackier stuff over the last 60 years (or did everyone forget the “Fun with DNA” episodes of the 90s?). In fact, that time bug episode was probably the best 32nd century Disco episode. Which is a low bar, but anyway.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      I guess my issues with stuff like the tardigrade, time bug, spore drive, etc. is that it’s just taking something from earth and putting it in space and saying it’s the “space version”. It’s so lazy and stupid. At least TOS usually had some interesting reasoning behind why these things were happening or they were different enough from anything on earth that at least they felt novel and innovative.