I see a very small minority of people using Kbin, but I don’t understand why.

Is this just a coincidence and did some people choose Kbin over Lemmy or is there a good reason to use Kbin?

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      OK, I couldn’t help myself, and checked GItHub. Seems the issue may have been fixed hours ago. Don’t know when the new version will ship though.

      Seems the issue may been to do with the process that updates the ranks of posts not being able to catch up to older posts, and so they show up with out of date ranks/scores. That process has been optimised, apparently, and should have no problem keeping up with all of the posts.


    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Yep, that looks bad (obviously). I just went to the science community, sorted by Hot, and yea similar things appear towards the bottom of the feed.

      Seems like the sort of thing that would be a minor and fixable bug. I don’t have time to chase down github issues right now, but I’ll try checking older communities to spot these occurrences. Naively I’d guess something like dates or vote-scored being truncated badly or something.
