Considering the film’s budget is rumoured to have increased from $165m to anything up to $310m, I’d bloody hope so! 😄

  • @[email protected]
    73 months ago

    This is why Paramount is headed to bankruptcy despite having numerous franchises and a huge back catalog.

    • Scrubbles
      33 months ago

      It’s all done by committee now, with marketers and lawyers in there cutting back anything that might remotely shy away the most tamest of movie goer.

      Can’t have that plot! You might upset them! Can’t go that route, that’s untested, we don’t know how audiences might take it.

      So we get these boring bland flat characters and storylines because there was zero risk taken in making the film. Nothing risked, nothing gained, movie industry. Then they wonder why no one cares about going to the movies anymore.