I’m not tech savvy and have noticed that many streaming sites are .ru, and as someone located in Finland, I want to make sure if they are dangerous to use.

  • @TwilightKiddy
    763 months ago

    It’s just a domain name, it has nothing to do with sites being safe. Just as any other site, they may be malicious, may be not, depends on who runs the site.

    • Sem
      3 months ago

      While that is true, the missing part is the following. As I understand registration process in zone .ru / .рф is done by a russian legal entity (Coordination Center for TLD RU) and under the jurisdiction of russian courts. As a citizen of Russia I can say that russian courts are far away from the Rule of Law and under the strong pressure of russian government. So, even if the actual website may be hosted anywhere, russian court may make a decision to take back a registration and, theoretically, the row in DNS may be replaced (the link will be the same but may tend to a different, potentially unsafe hosting). That is the risk that I see.

      • @[email protected]
        123 months ago

        As a citizen of Russia I can say that russian courts are far away from the Rule of Law and under the strong pressure of russian government.

        As a citizen of Russia I agree and want to point out that Finnish goverment is unlikely to listen to Russian court, especially when it comes to citizen of Finland that never was in Russia.