• Sabata
    173 months ago

    My parents bought me one when I moved out. Kept it around boxed for 5 years before throwing it out unused. If you care my clothing is wrinkled, I will never respect you.

    • @[email protected]
      153 months ago

      Hopefully you donated it, instead of just throwing it directly in the dumpster.

      There’s still people who use them and not all of those people can afford one.

    • @[email protected]
      -83 months ago

      Bragging about wasting a perfectly good tool (and a gift) that you were too stupid to figure out how to use. Then, to mask your embarrassment, you try to put blame onto those who do understand the purpose of an iron.

      Grow up.

      • Saik0
        73 months ago

        Nothing about their comment outlined that they didn’t know how to use it. But that they never did use it.

        Nothing about their comment eludes to any fact that they’re embarrassed at all. They posted it publicly and directly with not reservation which is the opposite of “embarrassed”.

        They didn’t blame anyone for anything related to the iron itself. But for shallow intentions if they care at all about the clothes that they wear. Which I can understand and agree with to some extent.

        You on the other hand… You’re a jackass. Lots of insinuations, lots of assumptions. Just to put down some random person on the internet for not wanting a fucking iron that probably was the 20$ special at wally world.