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  • lad
    72 days ago

    I use it and it’s okay but man, how long could it take them to separate search results in tests from not in tests.

    Last time I think I found a similar issue for vscode or rust-analyzer, and the devs said it requires a lot of rework and will not be done for a while. Now I can’t find that but maybe it is a task that is harder than it looks. It would’ve been a total killer feature for me, though

    • @FizzyOrange
      32 days ago

      Ugh yeah that’s infuriating on Github search too. Obviously if I’m searching for some identifier I don’t want 10 pages of results in /tests.

      How hard can it be? Just weight anything with test in the file path lower than everything else. Job done.

      • @BB_C
        01 day ago

        You two bring shame to the programming community.
        Just ripgrep cargo expanded output for f**** sake.

          • @BB_C
            11 day ago

            What part are you struggling with?
            The ripgrep (rg) part, or the cargo expand part?