• @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    So why are rates only going up in the US…? Other places have these same trucks and don’t have the same issues.

    I appreciate you not providing sources from outside the US to support it’s not a US only problem. Every article people provide is about the US, other places have these trucks, why don’t they have the same issues?

    Why in this so hard for you guys to find? And why is every answer skirting around the actual question? Lmfao.

    • KillingTimeItself
      3 months ago

      probably a combination of the fact that there are substantially more trucks in the US compared to places in the EU for example where the statistics are probably significantly closer to “margin of error” levels of accuracy.

      The US also has substantially more people driving, substantially more road, substantially less skilled drivers one could argue, though i would argue we have a much wider range of skilled drivers, than somewhere like germany for example, where they have a might tighter though higher sitting range of skilled drivers.

      edit: a lot of these trucks outside the US are likely to be work vehicles exclusively i imagine, where as in the US they’re primarily work and personal, though i sure do see a lot more personal trucks on the road than i do work trucks on the road.

      In short, other places don’t have these issues because other places simply have a lot less vehicles, and a lot less traffic, as well as a lot less of these trucks per capita compared to the US which is just statistically what you expect to see in the results.

      Dangerous vehicles are really only dangerous when in large numbers because otherwise they are quite literally a statistical anomaly. It’s why old vehicles are still allowed on the road in the US even though they’re less safe, there just isn’t enough of them for it to be statistically significant.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Why did you mention the EU? What about Canada? Mexico? Australia? Where these vehicles actually exist, but the numbers aren’t the same as the Us…?

        Canada is basically identical to the US in every metric you mentioned, yet the stats aren’t the same. You keep trying to find other reasons why, when I’ve already explained it.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            I did, all those other countries haven’t had an increase in pedestrian rates… and you’ve provided nothing to support this claim…. it’s almost like the size of the vehicle isn’t a factor at all or something… but hey let’s keep blaming the vehicles when 20 other proven points have been pointed out…

            Fucking yeesh, you’re about the stupidest one in this chain trying to argue lmfao.

            • KillingTimeItself
              03 months ago

              all those other countries haven’t had an increase in pedestrian rates… and you’ve provided nothing to support this claim…

              and i don’t have to as i don’t live in those other states.

              You haven’t provided me with any info as to why they haven’t risen in other places, but have risen in the US so arguably, you’re just factually incorrect by fallacy of logical reasoning!

              Fucking yeesh, you’re about the stupidest one in this chain trying to argue lmfao.

                • KillingTimeItself
                  03 months ago

                  oopsies typo. I said state because i was actively talking about states in another conversation, happened to commit a freudian slip.

                  My life is now ruined.

                  Uhh… you passed by comments with that info to get here dude… again, are you mentally handicapped or something? Because that’s about the only thing that could explain how fucking stupid you are.

                  homie you did the same shit to me, just about other countries instead.