• @Strykker
    -12 days ago

    It’s called buy a fucking car and rent a truck for the one time a year you actually use it like a truck you brain-dead fuck.

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      I use my truck every day for work, as well as drop my kids off at school.

      Working parents…. What a novel idea….

      I can’t afford to have two (four, wife as well……) vehicles, let alone the place to park them, as well as the time to go home and change vehicles, not to mention showering and clothes change so I don’t get the other vehicle dirty…. Before getting my kids after work.

      It’s almost like these trucks do exist for a specific use or something… it’s funny my braindead truck brain can think of this scenario, but your brain can’t…? How fucking retarded does that make you…? Fucking lol.