@DeprecatedCompatV2 When I worked on the line, I never got to work early enough for a good parking spot, so I walked across a giant parking lot and then also walked through a giant assembly plant to my station. Rail service is like always getting a primo parking spot.
How would the people get from the train station to their workplace? It’s not like it’s one square mile, it’s a huge area.
Trams, buses, bike lanes, localized rail. There are more options than just a car.
@DeprecatedCompatV2 @jpanhans If a ‘factory’ is large enough it tends to need internal mass transit.
@DeprecatedCompatV2 @jpanhans Or bikes
@LovesTha @DeprecatedCompatV2 yep, people who need to traverse the plant frequently will use a bike, err actually what I’ve seen used are trikes.
@jpanhans @DeprecatedCompatV2 it would also not be unreasonable for a very large plant that has a lot of staff to have more than one station.
@DeprecatedCompatV2 When I worked on the line, I never got to work early enough for a good parking spot, so I walked across a giant parking lot and then also walked through a giant assembly plant to my station. Rail service is like always getting a primo parking spot.