• @[email protected]
    1392 months ago

    People tend to forget the Food part that the Food and Drug Administration take care of. Here’s milk before 1906:

    Finally, if the milk was threatening to sour, dairymen added formaldehyde, an embalming compound long used by funeral parlors, to stop the decomposition, also relying on its slightly sweet taste to improve the flavor. In the late 1890s, formaldehyde was so widely used by the dairy and meat-packing industries that outbreaks of illnesses related to the preservative were routinely described by newspapers as “embalmed meat” or “embalmed milk” scandals.


      • @[email protected]
        582 months ago

        When people claim the free market will fix things, the thousands of examples that lead to 99% of regulations are why those people should be laughed at and told to shut the fuck up.

      • Possibly linux
        262 months ago

        You should read the book “The Jungle” as it is part of the early investigative journalism and contains very specific details that will make you want to vomit

      • @[email protected]
        132 months ago

        Oh, there’s more fun in the article.

        They also faked the look of rich cream by using a yellowish layer of pureed calf brains. As a historian of the Indiana health department wrote: “People could not be induced to eat brain sandwiches in [a] sufficient amount to use all the brains, and so a new market was devised.”

        “Surprisingly enough,’’ he added, “it really did look like cream but it coagulated when poured into hot coffee.”

      • @[email protected]
        92 months ago

        Well I mean yeah. Because their constituents have the educations of gerbils in cages. They believe whatever slopp is spoon-fed to them by their propaganda arm, Faux News. And then when the bad things happen, the blame it on a liberal conspiracy and their idiots will lap it up and vote them back into office over and over and over again.