• @[email protected]
    -31 year ago

    What you’re saying is to treat your body like a machine and ignore everything else. You’re not wrong in that it’s calories in and calories out, but if you’re running and feeling great and you do it long enough to get the runners high, you’ll be addicted to exercise and you’re less likely to eat. You also feel better. As I said, we’re complicated or diets would work long term. That article doesn’t really say anything.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      That’s not how that works. lol. Am runner. Can confirm. It may take a bit after I run to want food but I promise I want LOTS of food. The longer I do it, the more I want healthy, nutritious, whole foods, as opposed to processed shit too. I feel better when I eat healthy, I run faster, I can workout longer, I don’t get tired as easily. I KNOW when I haven’t been eating right, or especially enough, because my body tells me.

      The reason diets don’t last is because people view them as something temporary to get through, instead of the life changes that are needed. It’s hard (I lost about 50lb in 2016c and have kept it off since). It’s a huge commitment to stay healthy. Especially in USA. I get it. Not everyone want to commit to it. But none of that changes reality. The only way to lose weight is to consume less calories than you expend.