credit: punk with a camera

Edit: every report for these posts goes to me and I’m not taking it down so don’t bother.

  • @[email protected]
    72 months ago

    I get that this is posted on the Antifascism community. But it seems more than a little bit bloodthirsty. And it feels to me like the folks in the comments calling out for hunting/murdering Nazis haven’t really thought that policy through to its logical conclusion. Maybe some are just fantasizing or virtue signaling, but assuming enough are willing to pick up a rifle and pull the trigger where does that lead us? Who decides whether someone is a Nazi? Do they have to be wearing a swastika? Is it enough to just express your contempt for a group that’s a US minority? How much contempt?

    “That’s easy, just shoot the ones with swastikas”

    Okay, so you show up to a flag waving Nazi rally and start shooting. They probably start shooting back. The cops get involved and shoot everybody (well maybe they don’t shoot some of the Nazis). Then what happens? Antifa gets officially labeled as a domestic terrorist organization. All the news outlets talk about how terrible the group is. The FBI starts looking into everyone subscribed to this community, etc.

    “No, everyone knows Nazis are bad. We’d be supported not condemned.”

    Alright, suppose somehow it’s a revolution and the left is rounding up Nazis and guillotining them with full support of cable news. At that point everyone says they aren’t a Nazi. How do you decide? This one talks like a racist, that one lives in an all-white neighborhood, that one is rich. You’re walking really close to the line of becoming fascists yourself. France went through a revolution like that about 150 years ago. There’s a good article about it on the anarchist library website. I think the takeaway is that a reign of terror is still a reign of terror even if the ‘good guys’ are in charge.

    How about, instead of bloody murder, we expunge the Nazis from the police forces, establish a more socially just system of regulations in the US, and make sure anybody who acts like a Nazi gets punished for it by the state? Don’t you think that would be a more effective solution?

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      NO, no I don’t think trying to rid the system of Nazis will work otherwise it would have already

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Do you seriously think that is possible. Do you.

        Plus, if you do advocate for police abolition rather than reform, don’t come crying to me when one of your friends gets jumped by some skinheads and sent to the hospital for being trans.

          • @[email protected]
            22 months ago

            “Just abolish the state bro, just topple the government, everything will be fine after that bro trust me”

            • seahorse [Ohio]OPM
              -22 months ago

              Better than what we currently have. You libs LOVE state sanctioned violence.

              • @[email protected]
                2 months ago

                Are you one of those deeply confused anarchists who thinks the word “state” means “system of opression” instead of “system of government”? Or are you one of those utterly brain dead libertarians who thinks the two are synonymous?