Here is my list:

  • pdf - pdfkt
  • images - imagemagickutilities
  • audio/video - ffmpeg
  • documents - libreoffice --headless mode, also pandoc
  • download files - wget and curl, also ydlp for youtube, reddit
  • cloud storage - rclone
  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I’d add:

    • ghostscript - with some basic perl scripts, works great for pdf flattening/compressing, merging, splitting, adding bookmarks etc.
    • poppler - pdfseparate, sometimes pdfunite
    • zathura - pdf viewing
    • feh - images
    • sshfs - prefer it to rclone
    • cheat
    • emacs - org-mode, latex, dired/wdired, capture, eshell, vterm, tramp
    • mc/midnight commander