• @MagicShel
    1 month ago

    Yep. If your discharge is anything other than honorable (I think medical is not distinct from honorable, but if it is, that too), you either fucked up majorly or you are the fuck up.

    • Transporter Room 3
      81 month ago

      Anecdotally at least, medical can be given as “general discharge” and it’s neither honorable nor dishonorable, it’s just “you’re discharged, bye”

      That’s how mine went, at least. I don’t personally know anyone else who got medically discharged who wasn’t on their second or third re-up.

      Although I do know of one guy who got absolutely fucked over by military medical, and after 18 months of negotiation recieved an honorable discharge and will be receiving e-8 pay for the rest of his life… It’s a permanent medical condition caused by the medical facility, and a medical discharge, but it’s “honorable”.

      So my vast knowledge of discharge conditions and medical brings it to 1 honorable, 1 general.