I want to move to Linux Mint without losing data, can someone help?

  • @Tramort
    871 month ago

    The best option is to get a new hard drive. You can find one for $100.

    Then just connect your old drive to the PC with a USB to SATA adapter and copy any files you need.

    With the extra drive there is no risk to your data from the install as long as you DON’T CONNECT THE OLD DRIVE DURING THE INSTALL PROCESS, since you could conceivably choose the wrong install disk. If it’s not plugged in then you can’t choose it

    • @[email protected]
      311 month ago

      This is the best option, I agree. This way you have a dedicated disk for linux and you can copy your data from the old drive.

      Still, backup your data if you’re doing any of this.

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      Also very important to have backups.

      I needed my backups 3 times or so, where literally all data would have been gone without them.

      • @[email protected]
        81 month ago

        Honestly, I’d only use the new external drive for making backups. Then install Linux on the computer’s internal disk

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      You can find one for $100.

      You can get them substantially cheaper than that! but your point holds. A USB stick is also rather cheap - you can get a 128GB SANDisk jobbie for £10 a pop on Amazon.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        please do not put your actual installed system (read/write) on a flash drive. linux will let you. it will happily install to the flash drive and it will happily boot up. it will let you log in after just a few minutes. plus ten seconds every time you click something.

        please don’t use flash drives for anything other than installation media unless you’re using a distro that’s specifically designed to be installed portably and doesn’t do a ton of disk I/O.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      I second this, second disk is best as you can keep your old Windows drive in case you ever need to go back for any reason. Modern UEFI makes dual booting way easier than it used to be as the UEFI itself provides a boot menu so you don’t need to fiddle with dual booting using a bootloader like GRUB.

    • dactylotheca
      11 month ago

      Well, I mean, yeah getting a new drive and disconnecting the old one is definitely the safest way to do this, but honestly is it worth the hassle if you’re just careful about what you do during install? As long as there’s space on the original drive, repartitioning it and then installing Linux on the new partition should be fine, although yes you do have to be sure that you’re installing on the new partition and not the existing one but that shouldn’t be difficult with any modern easy to use distro

      • @Tramort
        11 month ago

        I personally wouldn’t take this chance, especially when a new drive is so cheap.

        • dactylotheca
          11 month ago

          Fair 'nuff, risk assessments are sometimes very subjective and that’s totally ok, although I’d contest whether $100 is cheap for everybody. Personally I’ve never caused a disaster when installing Linux, but I’ve also been at it a fairly long time so I’m reasonably confident I know what I’m doing – my first distro was some Slackware version in the 90’s