I’ve been finding it difficult to find good tutorials on different topics within Rust, so I’ve had to learn what to do the hard way. I don’t want this hard-won knowledge to got waste, so I am considering making tutorials based on my experience. If you guys have any requests for a specific tutorial, let me know. I would also like to mention that this would be an in-my-free-time venture, so I’ll do my best, but I still have life stuff to which I need to attend. Thanks in advance.

  • @torcheristM
    21 year ago

    I’d like to see more material on telemetry for web services, namely opentelemetry for some popular web frameworks like Actix-web or Axum. Reporting those metrics to DataDog or GCP. There are books like zero2prod that discuss but room for improvement for guides on how to integrate with popular cloud monitoring services.

    • EdTheLegendaryOPM
      11 year ago

      Interesting, I’ll have to look into that.

    • Delta
      01 year ago


      Would save a lot of hesitation to pick up rust for small teams that have an Open Telemetry Stack running