I am looking into getting started in web development and I came across The Odin Project. Unfortunately, I don’t have the money to pay for a course right now. I currently work in a senior desktop support and systems admin role and I am seeking to pivot into web development. Is this realistic? What advice or websites would you recommend for me? Thank you very much in advance!

  • @uhN0id
    11 year ago

    Oh I just saw that haha. Decided to check for myself after my comment. Honestly do both. Start with Odin then try FreeCodeCamp. Odin does less hand holding so it’s a good lesson in that alone.

    • HousePantherOP
      11 year ago

      I get the value of doing it on one’s own but I need more hand holding in the beginning so rhat I can build some foundational knowledge. Once I have that, I enjoy deductive learning very much. I will use both resources.