As title, if you have post or link any useful resource you have

  • Vanth
    926 days ago

    So if you have an immoveable stance against war, isn’t it just as likely someone out there believes they have a similarly immovable stance in favor of the draft?

    • Todd Bonzalez
      -526 days ago

      Yeah, and that person, unlike me, is evil, because they are able to see human lives as pawns in a political game.

      • Vanth
        926 days ago

        Uh, just to be clear, I’m not actually trying to sway you. Just pointing out to OP, and to you I guess since you’re engaging, that when someone holds an “immoveable stance” as they themselves say, and aren’t open to changing their views, it is highly unlikely one can convince them to change. Like, someone could up to you and say you’re wrong and evil for your views but that probably isn’t going to convince you, right?