For example workplace harrasment by women towards males like touching or groping being ignored because the victim is male but if it where to happen to a woman by a male the male would be fired

  • @[email protected]
    11925 days ago

    One of the two presidential candidates has five children with three different partners. The coverage of that fact would be very different it it were the female.

    • Waldowal
      9625 days ago

      This is going to be my new way to antagonize conservatives I know:

      ME: Did you know Harris has had 5 kids with 3 different partners?!

      MORON: I don’t doubt it. She’s a whore!

      ME: Oh sorry, I meant Trump.

    • @[email protected]
      324 days ago

      Oh no, instead she has step-children so was referred to as a “Childless cat lady” by checks notes the running mate of the opposing party.

      The only place to the conservative crowd for a woman to be in is in a single relationship with her own kids. Though I’m sure they’d have a way to gripe about it too.