• Flying Squid
      253 hours ago

      They were never pro-life. They were never even pro-birth. They’ve never argued for anything like free pre-natal care. If something is wrong with your baby and you and your baby are going to die, that’s god’s will, so don’t you dare get an abortion.

      They are not pro-anything. They’re anti-abortion. That’s as far as it goes whether they admit it or not.

      • stebo
        42 hours ago

        i know, but it’s what they claim to be

        • Flying Squid
          52 hours ago

          I know. I just don’t think they should be allowed to get away with calling themselves that unchallenged beyond the “and you call yourselves pro-life?” I feel the need to point out that they literally could not give less of a shit whether or not any given fetus lives or dies as long as medical intervention isn’t required for the latter.