Git cheat sheets are a dime-a-dozen but I think this one is awfully concise for its scope.

  • Visually covers branching (WITH the commands – rebasing the current branch can be confusing for the unfamiliar)
  • Covers reflog
  • Literally almost identical to how I use git (most sheets are either Too Much or Too Little)
  • @nous
    1119 hours ago

    The only time I see a rebase fail is due to a conflict. Which can be aborted with git rebase --abort no need for reflogs unless you really mess things up.

    • Eager Eagle
      25 hours ago

      I’ll admit that in 10 years using git, I don’t think I’ve ever used reflog once.

      • @expr
        22 hours ago

        It can be nice when you successfully do a rebase (after resolving conflicts), but change your mind about the resolution and want to redo it.

        Doesn’t come up that much, but it’s been handy once or twice, for me. It’s also just nice security: no matter how I edit commits, I can always go back if I need to.

    • @responsible_sith
      28 hours ago

      Maybe you resolved the conflict in the wrong way and want to restart after finishing the rebase.

      • @nous
        27 hours ago

        Not sure I would say that is a rebase failing - just you messing things up. Can happen with any merge. But yeah that is a place where reflog would be useful. But I dont see why it would be on the cheat sheet instead of a git rebase --abort or be rebase specific.