(I’m just starting off with rust, so please be patient)

Is there an idiomatic way of writing the following as a one-liner, somehow informing rustc that it should keep the PathBuf around?

// nevermind the fully-qualified names
// they are there to clarify the code
// (that's what I hope at least)

let dir: std::path::PathBuf = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
let dir: &std::path::Path   = dir.as_path();

// this won't do:
// let dir = std::env::current_dir().unwrap().as_path();

I do understand why rust complains that “temporary value dropped while borrowed” (I mean, the message says it all), but, since I don’t really need the PathBuf for anything else, I was wondering if there’s an idiomatic to tell rust that it should extend its life until the end of the code block.

  • @BB_C
    -622 hours ago

    you’re not supposed to immediately reach for macros


    for small things you don’t quite like about the language.


    Excessive macro use makes it impossible for others (including your future self) to read your code

    N/A. the macro above is trivial.

    impossible for others to read your code and there’s often good reasons why it’s designed like it is.
