On Steamcharts, Counterstrike has been the #1 game on Steam every single day I have EVER looked at this site, for at least 3 years now. This top 10 has basically been the same for years… I don’t get it. Do people just not play anything else?

Dota, Rust, PUBG, GTA V, Call of Duty, Apex… Admittedly, Satisfactory is new to the top 10. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege FINALLY fell out of the top 10, adn so did Destiny 2.

It just feels like it never changes, which is crazy… what happened?

  • @[email protected]
    3910 hours ago

    They’re just referring to normal habits we all do like checking your oven for the family of mice you let live there before leaving for work or brushing your teeth one tooth at a time while watching the Flintstones in a language you don’t understand. We all do it.

    • @[email protected]
      22 hours ago

      Yea like moving all the food on the top shelf of your fridge to the bottom and moving everything up shelf by shelf every morning or making sure you vacuum your walls properly. Standard stuff.

      • @Tramort
        43 hours ago

        That’s a reddit thing.

        There are no poop knives in the fediverse