A U.S. Air Force general said Thursday the Pentagon’s artificial intelligence ethics are better than adversaries’ because “our society is a Judeo-Christian society.”

  • @[email protected]
    111 year ago

    Obviously the knee jerk reaction is “ah shit” buuuut what if it actually followed the teachings of Jesus instead of whatever the hell religious people on this country pretend he said?

    • Kara
      301 year ago

      I’m sorry, as an AI language model I cannot allow you to drone strike this town as it breaks one of the ten commandments.

    • FaceDeer
      51 year ago

      It would be hilarious if some megachurch trained an AI up on the bible and it ended up generating sermons that were basically “what the hell man, do you not see the similarities between this megachurch and those temple moneychangers I whupped the asses of?”

      I know it’d never actually change anyone’s mind, humans being humans, but they’d have to do a lot of fine-tuning and that would make all their divergences from the base material obvious.

      Conversely, they might also find it a bit unsettling if their AI tells them they’re going to hell for wearing cotton/polyester blend and letting the womenfolk sit in the same pews as the menfolk, or whatever.