I should have stayed home with my cats and ordered take-out. The gays are just as transphobic as anyone else. Fuck people. I opened myself up and I’m mad I did.

    • such_lettuce7970OP
      2711 months ago

      No need to be sorry at all. I think it’s important for people to know that actually, a lot of the transphobia women like me face comes not from violent men, but rather other women. At least that’s been my experience.

      • @[email protected]
        1311 months ago

        Yeah I’ve noticed that as well. I had a very frustrating argument with an old lady about bathroom usages a few weeks ago and it still makes me furious thinking about the stupid shit that she kept on saying.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        comes not from violent men, but rather other women

        Just in case you travel abroad… beware that it might be a cultural thing. In some countries, where men owning women is normalized, “letting a fox into the henhouse” may be reason for directly killing the “fox”. In more civilized countries, it’s the “hens” starting a ruckus when they see “their spaces” getting “invaded”, while men might seem more tolerant only because of “a hole is a hole” mentality.

        Tolerance and respect are hard, with a humanity coming from a history of systematic abuse of everyone, by everyone.