• I'm back on my BS 🤪@lemmy.autism.place
      4 months ago

      Things were cool at my house until my dad showed up when I was in late elementary. Slowly, everything started going to crap. Everyone started fighting and it felt like I was caught in the middle of two social camps that were fighting each other. As things worsened, I started being out of the house more and learning to grow up from friends and the streets. Since those places can be unhealthy sometimes, I would get into trouble doing what I thought was normal. In one of those incidents, I was in severe danger from strangers that were trying to kill me and my best friend. The issue was resolved when someone that saw what was happening called the police who even showed up with a helicopter to find the perpetrators (they got away). My friend and I ran from the cops too because we thought we were in trouble. When I got home the next day after hiding all night, my parents didn’t believe a word I said. Instead, they thought I was having gay sex (wtf, right?) because one of the kids I was hiding with was openly gay. This turns into a huge battle with all the adults yelling at each other. They start yelling at me with threats of punishments. I leave and just hide in my bedroom while the adults lose their minds on each other. My parents tell me that I can’t shut my bedroom door anymore. The day goes by and nothing happens. It’s time to go to sleep, but I hadn’t been punished yet, so I’m thinking something is pending. I used to have no problem sleeping, but this time I can’t fall asleep because I keep waiting for someone to come in since I wont hear the door opening. I figure that if I set up the guitar as described and leave the windows slightly open, it would serve as a warning, wake me up, and maybe I could yell for help and to call police. I’m able to fall asleep, but the guitar drops and I wake up. I stayed frozen waiting to see what will happen. The silhouette freezes too. They slowly and quietly lean the guitar up properly on the wall, walk out, and close the door. I stay awake for the rest of the night, but nothing happened. From then on out, I had mentally divorced my family and saw them as people I had to tolerate and serve as an example of what not to be like.

      Thanks for asking.