hi everyone!! i need ur help with a security matter!! pardon me my bad English. It’s my first time buying online I wanna buy something from eBay with my bank card but eBay doesn’t provide 3d security which is another layer of security I’m afraid that my personal might get leaked if i used it like that and i don’t wanna open a PayPal account since I’m only using this once plus PayPal fees and deductions are high for someone like me and the extra custom charges are already taking a lot of my money that i was planning to buy other things!! what to do know??? google wallet? deactivating e-commerce international payment after I’m done purchasing ??? pls help me and thank you! btw this is why crypto should take over!!! 🥹😓

  • CameronDev
    4 months ago

    Opening a new account should be relatively quick, even if you don’t get your card. So create a new account, and transfer most of your money into it. Buy the item with your current card.

    Fwiw, even without 3d secure, eBay is pretty safe to use, they are a huge corporation, and they know how to safely do transactions.