When I was in school, I was always told “If you get a college degree you’ll on average make 500k more over the life time of your career regardless of what you get your degree in!”

Then as I finishing school, it was all about “If you get into tech you’ll make big bucks and always have jobs!”

Both of those have turned out not great for a lot of people.

Then whenever women say they’re struggling with money online, they get pointed to OF… which pays nothing to 99% of creators. Also very presumptive to suggest that, but we don’t even need to get into that.

So is there a field/career strategy that you feel like is currently being over pushed?

(My examples are USA, Nevada/Utah is where I grew up, if maybe it’s different in other parts of USA even.)

  • I Cast Fist
    4 months ago

    I think we’re about to circle back to circa 1000s yurop: “Now, my child, you behave while I try to sell you as a slave FREE ENTREPRENEURIAL COLLABORATOR to mr. Rich Douchebag, as that is the only way to go up the social and financial ladder.”