• parpol
    4 months ago

    I’ll have to make 3 major points here.


    I’m against DEI because it fundamentally goes against my core belief that everyone deserves the same opportunity. That we have equality. As long as we have equality, inclusion comes naturally. Diversity doesn’t necessarily, because gender and culture influences preferences, so groups will naturally flow towards certain professions and there is nothing wrong with that. The idea that there is a patriarchy gatekeeping professions is a conspiracy theory with no evidence.

    DEI are corporate goals made so they can collect government funds and get tax breaks. Do you think these corpos give two shits about you? Equity is fundamentally discriminatory and labelling people based on their skincolor, gender, sexuality, and I’m very much against discrimination and this stereotyping mindset.

    If I had the power to do so, I would enforce a blind equality policy that forbids corporations from asking or looking up the ethnicity, gender and sexuality of their candidates for jobs, and I would implement a central job hunting system where you take interviews and fill application without revealing anything about yourself that could be used to discriminate against you. A pure skill and vide testing system. That is equality. That is fair.


    Now about why DEI in games is considered bad. It really isn’t. But being preachy and focusing on it over the quality of the game itself ruins the fun. No one wants to be lectured about trans rights and feminism when they’re playing games. no one wants political agendas shoved down their throats, and that’s what the DEI detected group looks for.

    Sure, there are some members going on some unhinged rant about how this one character is female, therefore game bad. As I said, there are hateful people in these groups too, but it’s not the core message. It’s the talking down to players, and presenting a one-dimensional ultimate truth or be racist kind of mentality that pisses people off.

    BG3 has a diverse and inclusive story, but it isn’t DEI or woke, because it doesn’t preach it like the Bible at the expense of gameplay and writing quality like what the veilguard and Concord did.


    Finally about freedom of speech. Only someone who has never had their freedom of speech taken away would be against freedom of speech. Of course freedom of speech is fundamental. Of course there is no question whatsoever that we should have it, and of course freedom of speech will allow clashing ideals, that’s the point.

    You cannot have an entity decide what the absolute truth is and label everyone against it a fascist or Nazi or sexist. That is what radicalizes the left and right. Twitter before Elon bought it radicalized the right, not X. X is the result of the radicalized right.

    You think free speech brought Trump? Censorship brought Trump. The one-dimensional “my way or you’re a Nazi” camp brought Trump, and the radicalized right grew larger by being silenced. Now that they’ve grown so big that you no longer can silence them, Trump wins, and we will need free speech to defeat the far right.

    I’m not far-right, I’m a social Democrat who grew up in Sweden. We are essentially on the same side but with different ideas on how to get to the same goal. Censorship ain’t it, fact-checking and calling out misinformation is. Steam doesn’t need moderation as much as it needs something like community notes, and the internet is in dire need of a platform that allowes users to easily call out misinformation and reward people who do, but for that we also need a platform that has all the facts and can link facts to arguments and help users come to a logical conclusion, and then we need a browser plugin that can reference these facts and warn users when misinformation is found. That is how you defeat the far right.