As a shut in with social anxiety and very introverted I’m wondering how to find friends now that I got better. Basically starting from zero since I know nobody in my city so I’m wondering if someone has some experience with finding friends as lonely anxious introvert and just how other people find friends.

  • Nithanim
    3 months ago

    I am somewhat in a similar boat. I have like one to two friends left and also looking for a partner. I never go out and only stay at home.

    I know that this is definitely not for everyone but rather for a small minority, but I found and joined the furry fandom. They are loving and welcoming and so put my hopes into them. There is a high chance that there is a local meetup in your area but I have been too shy to attend yet. Instead, I opted straight for a convention which I think is a better starting point for me because it is more anonymous. Note, that this is just a suggestion since the convention did not happen yet and I am looking forward to it patiently.

    • Emi@ani.socialOP
      3 months ago

      Currently trying this, there was a meetup in my city but I learned about it too late and second one I was sick, also went to animefest a city over but I was too shy to talk to people, had a friend introduce me to some of their friends but I did not really click with them I’m not that into pokemon like they are but it was still fun. It sucks that people live far apart.

      • Nithanim
        3 months ago

        Such a bummer :( I really do hope that something finally works out for you!