It is Stardate 2369.2, and Enterprise is docked at Starbase One. Chief Fleet Inspector Commander Pelia from Operational Support Services and her team are performing systems checks and upgrades.

No lawyer will take up Unaā€™s case, not even the lawyer Pike and Una have in mind. The authorities have offered Una a plea deal but Pike advises urges her not to resign. Pike offers to confront the lawyer face to face. She is on the other side of the quadrant, 2.5 days round trip in ā€œone of the newer shuttlesā€, indicating they are warp capable. Spock becomes Acting Captain, although he points out the lack of a Chief Engineer, a Security Chief and Unaā€™s absence.

Mā€™Benga notes Spock seems to be suffering from stress. He points out that Vulcan emotions are stronger than human ones, but that they control them through suppressive cognitive blocks. Spock removed those blocks to fight the Gorn (SNW: ā€œAll Those Who Wanderā€), so his emotions are flowing more freely.

Mā€™Benga presents Spock with a lyre, to help him channel emotion into expression. The lyre was first seen in TOS: ā€œCharlie Xā€, and subsequent appearances in canon have established it as a Vulcan lyre (or lute). This suggests that it was Mā€™Benga who gifted Spock his lyre at this moment. This is consistent with Mā€™Benga being familiar with Vulcans because he did his internship on the planet (TOS: ā€œA Private Little Warā€). Spockā€™s heart rate goes down as he plays it, only for him to stop and have it shoot up when Chapel enters.

Chapel tells Mā€™Benga sheā€™s thinking about applying for a fellowship in archeological medicine, which will be 2 months on Vulcan. This is probably how she will meet her future fiancĆ© Dr Roger Korby (TOS: ā€œWhat Are Little Girls Made Of?ā€), who was a renowned figure in the field.

Ortegas has reversed the pitch and yaw controls on her helm console because the standard configuration wasnā€™t fast enough for her. Uhura is at the communications station and is no longer wearing her cadet insignia, indicating sheā€™s graduated and is an Ensign.

Uhura tells Spock she has detected a distress signal from Laā€™An originating in the Cajitar system, on the edge of Klingon space. April denies Spock permission to investigate, despite the message saying that there is a dangerous, anti-Federation threat on Cajitar IV and Enterpriseā€™s resources are critical. Cajitar IV is a rich dilithium mining planet - the Federation alternates access to it with the Klingons thanks to a carefully negotiated treaty and for this month itā€™s the Klingonsā€™ shift. If Enterprise shows up it will be an act of war.

Spock briefs the featured crew, including navigator LT Jenna Mitchell, on his plan to get the inspectors off the ship and steal the Enterprise to help Laā€™An. This foreshadows Kirk & Co. famously doing the same thing to help Spock in ST III, a sequence called ā€œStealing the Enterpriseā€ on the soundtrack album.

Mitchell triggers an intermix chamber coolant leak alert in Engineering. Plasma coolant dissolves flesh, as seen in ST: First Contact, and lack of coolant can cause a warp core breach.

Pelia teaches a course in warp core breaches at Starfleet Academy. Heightened temperatures around an intermix chamber is the most common factor mistaken for a breach. Purposely simulating coolant leak on the sensors violates about 17 Starfleet regulations.

Pelia notes the Vulcan inability to lie (a myth, as weā€™ve seen on several occasions, and Spock will get much better at it in future) and that they donā€™t do things without a good reason. She reveals she knows that Spock is Amanda Graysonā€™s son and suggests Ortegas to vent ionized plasma from the warp nacelles. Doing so triggers an alert on Starbase One, with Docking Control blowing the docking clamps and ordering Enterprise to make space between the ship and the station.

Pelia offers her services as Chief Engineer and says itā€™s been 100 years since sheā€™s gone out with engines of her own. Ortegas scoffs, and Pelia says itā€™s a really long story. Uhura identifies her accent as Lanthanite, and Pelia confirms it.

Spockā€™s go-to-warp catchphrase is, ā€œI would like the ship to go. Now.ā€ Mitchellā€™s previous captainā€™s was ā€œZoomā€, and Ortegas has been workshopping ā€œvĆ”manosā€ (ā€œletā€™s goā€ in Spanish).

On Cajitar IV, Laā€™An wins a bloodwine drinking contest with a Klingon, Krā€™Dogh. She gets a meeting with someone named Greynax. One wonders how Laā€™An is outdrinking a Klingon since the sense was that she was not genetically enhanced like her relative Khan - unless weā€™re being set up for another revelation like with Una, which might be over egging it with two genetically modified people in the main cast.

Mā€™Benga approaches Laā€™An, drawing a line under his eye with a finger like he did in SNW: ā€œStrange New Worldsā€.

Cajitar IV became a valuable source of dilithium during the war. When it ended, a new mining syndicate made up of ex-Klingon and Federation soldiers decided peace was bad for business and want to restart the war. To an unknown end, they are acquiring Federation technology, and a recent mining explosion exposed the town to ion radiation, including Orianaā€™s parents. Mā€™Benga says that ion radiation isnā€™t from dilithium, but can be created by photon torpedoes.

Both Chapel and Mā€™Benga served in the Klingon War (she implies that they served together). Mā€™Benga likes reading up on weapons systems, and notes that the war produced 100 million Federation deaths for ā€œa parsec of space or twoā€.

Mā€™Benga and Chapel go to offer aid to the afflicted, and Oriana recognizes them. Mā€™Benga suggests inducing recombination to repair genetic damage on her parents, which Chapel administers via a hypospray. They are then taken at gunpoint by a female Klingon and her henchmen.

(Continued in comments)

  • @[email protected]OPM
    1 year ago

    One thing I have to note in more detail is that with the star chart showing Cestus and delineating the boundaries of Gorn space, we are getting further and further away from what was established in TOS: ā€œArenaā€.

    While thus far we can handwave Sulu not recognizing the Gorn vessel as being an unfamiliar Gorn ship class, try and interpret the dialogue of Spock and McCoy has not recognizing that specific species of Gorn, or even - less plausibly - Kirk not being aware of the Gorn in the first place, the large continuity issue that looms here is that in ā€œArenaā€ they should be well aware they are at the very least near Gorn space.

    The dialogue in ā€œArenaā€ explicitly states that the Cestus III outpost was established in ignorance of the fact that it was in Gorn space. McCoy even asks if that makes the Federation the bad guys in this scenario. With the chart seen in SNW: ā€œThe Broken Circleā€, this excuse rings hollow. Granted, at this point Cestus still lies outside Gorn borders, but surely there would have been some discussion about that if Spock, et al. had been aware of it or if the Gorn had indeed pushed forward to claim that area of space.

    We can still sort of handwave it because Cestus isnā€™t in Gorn space on the map, but weā€™re treading closer to major revisions to ā€œArenaā€ here which might not be able to be handwaved away as Iā€™ve suggested above.

    • @[email protected]M
      5ā€¢1 year ago

      The showrunners have hinted that theyā€™re gonna play a little loose with established canon this season ā€“ I think in particular with regard to Spock/Chapel, but also likely with the Gorn. Which honestly is an interesting choice ā€“ SNW is supposed to appeal to folks who miss TOS (and the vibe of TNG, even if LDS and PIC are more literal successors to TNG), and so I wonder if they are counting on that ā€œcredibilityā€ to seek ā€œforgivenessā€ from fans who object to continuity issues.

      (On the other hand, they also seem to be doubling down on certain elements from canon; for example, they are taking very seriously this notion that 2250s Spock is noticeably greener, no pun intended, than 2260s Spock, drawing much more on ā€œThe Cageā€ than his later appearances. To me, this is in contrast to the Kelvinverse interpretation of the character, who, while still more emotive than 2260s Spock Prime, nevertheless seems to be drawing primarily from that version of Spock, rather than the one from ā€œThe Cageā€.)

      • forgottrek
        1 year ago

        Iā€™m not sure if it contradicts Arena so long as we never have a face-to-face confrontation with adult Gorn.

        We know by the 2380s the Gorn are on better terms with the Federation, so it would be cool to somehow flesh out Gorn culture even in SNW.

        • @[email protected]OPM
          1 year ago

          The difficulties are not about the physical appearance of the Gorn - itā€™s about the fact of the Gornā€™s existence in the first place (Kirk being seemingly ignorant of the species name) and that they didnā€™t know Cestus III could be considered an incursion on Gorn territory.

          KIRK: I have been somehow whisked off the bridge and placed on the surface of an asteroid, facing the captain of the alien ship. Weaponless, I face the creature the Metrons called a Gorn.


          MCCOY: Can that be true? Was Cestus III an intrusion on their space?

          SPOCK: It may well be possible, Doctor. We know very little about that section of the galaxy.

          MCCOY: Then we could be in the wrong.

          Then again, McCoy does refer to the alien as a ā€œGornā€ without seemingly having previously heard the name (there are multiple possible explanations for this), so thereā€™s that. My point really was that mental gymnastics already need to be employed to square ā€œArenaā€ with SNW, and weā€™re getting into areas which need even more.

          • forgottrek
            1 year ago

            well, perhaps the Farragut is on the other side of the Federation, and the foreshadowed conflict with the Gorn might play out in some way where they end up not going very far into that region of space?

            (Is this the aforementioned mental gymnastics?)

            • @[email protected]OPM
              2ā€¢1 year ago

              Yep. The map shows Cestus right there close to outlined Gorn territory, so the establishment of Cestus III being seen as an incursion on Gorn space canā€™t really be much of a surprise - at least not in the way Spock put it in TOS: ā€œArenaā€.