Driving is the most comfortable, convenient, and fun mode of transportation. Walking and biking can be OK but only for traveling relatively short distances in good weather. Mass transit is inherently unpleasant. No matter how nice you try to make it (and most mass transit systems aren’t nice) the fact of the matter is that passengers are still stuck in a crowded box with a bunch of strangers and limited to traveling to the mass transit system’s destinations on the mass transit system’s schedule. Compare this to getting into your own car and driving wherever you want, whenever you want…

I currently live in a place too crowded for driving to be practical - I get that places like this need mass transit. But needing mass transit sucks!

    • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
      121 year ago

      Uhm, this isn’t unpopular…

      The Fuck Cars community is well aware that some groups of people absolutely need cars, especially in the US where there’s no alternative due to the way the US was built, and in rural communities especially.

      There’s tons of people that comment on there assuming the worst from posts, some of which are clearly sarcastic ☹️

      For me personally I feel claustrophobic when in a car for a prolonged period of time… although I’m spoilt because I typically get around on two wheels on my own terms, and the buses have ample free seating whenever I use them.