It seems like the ultimate way to show WHY and HOW a company is poorly run… or the inverse.

  • TheFogan
    2 months ago

    Marketing, to me, is a non-issue if the technology has evolved enough. We can start with nerds only and iterate upon it until the normies can’t deny the superiority of the platform and move over in droves. We are not there yet on the fediverse

    Again though, when we are talking a social network, it’s literally worthless until there are enough people to make it worth while, within the required area. Now a twitter etc… can at least have that area as a full demographic of language. But i we are talking a review site, you need probably 10-50 people per city. as obviously not everyone does the same thing.

    No matter how superior the platform, you can’t show someone a restraunt review site, and expect them to be impressed when the nearest mexican restraunt review is for one 200 miles away.