Thought about it, snce it’s near New Year’s.

In my opinion, exercising/training/stretching atleast once a week would be a good thing for most people.

  • fool
    2 个月前

    Bad linked article. Judging by the amount of sets of three bullets

    • in: forms
    • like: these,

    along with the “in conclusion” prepositions and not-very-useful-but-broad headings, it was written by AI. :(

    Most online sources about this Schopenhauer suggestion seem to be either AI-generated, mildly superficial (i.e. basically only talks about Schopenhauer’s mom calling him an annoying intellectual type), or MBA-manipulator-esque (e.g. Get Rich! 48 Laws of Power! Buy Today!)…

    which is a bummer since scaling humility up and down can be a really useful instrument to get things done. Just be agreeably approachable, but be careful if you outshine others, especially if ego gets in the way. Idk, i wish there was a more compelling source for this