The best way to understand is looking at it like a game

People that want to inform others need to explain stuff, sometimes more thoroughly than reasonably needed, which takes, say, 50 energy per answer. They also need people to understand what’s being informed, this is their “win condition”

Bullshitters just need to spam shit, never need to check sources, never need to be truthful and will use all sorts of logical fallacies when confronted. It takes 1 energy to start, 1 energy to spread AND they can convince others to spread it further for them. They don’t want to inform, they want to get an immediate reaction, which is often of anger towards a “culprit”. Their win condition is reach + emotional reaction.

Even worse, bullshitters will hypocritically pile up on anyone that they judge to not be playing “by the rules”, since they have complete disregard for rules that don’t benefit them.

  • monomon
    2 months ago

    In a similar vein, there’s an old saying: “A lie travels around the globe while the truth is putting on its shoes.”