I’m a programmer and I make a pretty decent salary, enough to support my family and weather any emergencies.
The free time I have, I would do these in this order:
Hang out with my wife and kids
Chill out with recreational things like gaming
Continue to study, read books and take online courses, contribute to open-source and build applications for startups
Convert that free time to $100/hr
Notice that trying to make MORE money is at the bottom for me.
And if you ARE money driven, working hourly isn’t how most people became rich. They usually win the lottery by doing a hobby that ended up paying dividends. Like building a app and getting bought out, or collecting Pokemon cards or something.
Curious what you do that 100/hr isn’t a good use of time, because that sounds like something I’d like to learn about.
I’m a programmer and I make a pretty decent salary, enough to support my family and weather any emergencies.
The free time I have, I would do these in this order:
Notice that trying to make MORE money is at the bottom for me.
And if you ARE money driven, working hourly isn’t how most people became rich. They usually win the lottery by doing a hobby that ended up paying dividends. Like building a app and getting bought out, or collecting Pokemon cards or something.
You sound like someone who has never had to chose between food or rent